As this site grows it will house electronic books and booklets that contain information about millions of ancestors from all over the world. All types of records will be found here, as well as research notes taken from the files of professional and expert genealogists. Areas of special interest include the origins of immigrants to the United States and African American ancestors and the men and women who owned them as slaves. And most important, you won’t find the information in most of our publications on other sites. Our electronic publications start at $1.95 and go up according to size. All orders are processed for immediate download or email deliver—no shipping or handling fees to pay.

Need help? If you didn’t find what you’re looking for among our titles, tell us what you need and we’ll look for it in the thousands of titles waiting to be published. Or explain your research dilemma and a professional genealogist will outline some records that have the information you need. If the genealogist is familiar with the ancestral family, they may add a generation or two to your family tree.

We also create beautiful color charts that you can display on your walls or give as gifts to family members. These charts appear on the PBS series Faces of American which aired in February, 2010. Charts range in size from 11 x 14 inches to 22 x 44 inches and hold up to seven generations of your ancestors and two generations of descendants. Top of the line charts are printed on acid-free vinyl product that will last forever.

Birth, marriage and death certificates can be expensive and take weeks or months to receive. As a service to our customers, FRP will search a large collection of vital records and email you a digital copy of the certificate or register page within 72 hours at a fraction of the normal cost.

If you need a place to sell a genealogy related book or booklet, this is the place that pays generous royalties—four times what other publishing houses pay!